Working with Insights

The Insights section in Kosmoy Studio provides a comprehensive view into the performance, usage, and cost of your AI applications. It’s your central hub for monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing your deployments, ensuring they are running efficiently and delivering the desired results.

Currently Available: Dashboard

The primary feature currently available within Insights is the Dashboard. The Dashboard offers a centralized view of key metrics and data related to your Assistants, allowing you to track their performance and identify areas for optimization.

Coming Soon:

The Insights section will be expanded in future releases to include:

  • Cost and Usage Tracker: A dedicated section for detailed cost and usage analysis.
  • Guardrail Alerts: A dedicated section for viewing and managing alerts triggered by your configured Guardrails.
  • Error Logs: A dedicated section for accessing and analyzing error logs.
  • Router Logs: A dedicated section for viewing and analyzing logs from your configured Routers.
  • Conversations Explorer: A dedicated section for exploring user conversations and feedback.

In this section, you will learn how to:

  • Navigate the Insights interface.
  • Utilize the Dashboard to monitor key performance indicators for your Assistants.

Unlock the full potential of your AI Assistants with Kosmoy Studio’s Insights.