Working with the Insights Dashboard

The Dashboard within the Insights section provides a centralized view of key performance indicators (KPIs) for your AI Assistants. It allows you to quickly assess the health and efficiency of your Assistant deployments.

Note: Currently, the Dashboard focuses on metrics related to Assistants. Support for Coded App metrics is planned for a future release.

Accessing the Dashboard

  1. Navigate to Insights: From the Kosmoy Studio home page, click on the “Insights” icon in the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Select “Dashboard”: The Dashboard is the default view within the Insights section.

Dashboard Components

The Dashboard is divided into two main panels:

  • Platform metrics (Upper Panel): Displays aggregated metrics for all your Assistants within the selected time range.
  • Assistant metrics (Lower Panel): Displays metrics for a specific Assistant, selectable via a dropdown menu within the selected time range.

Global Filters

The Dashboard includes the following global filters:

  • Time Range Filter: Allows you to select the time period for which data is displayed (e.g., last hour, last 24 hours, last 7 days, custom range).
  • KPI Category Filters: Three buttons allow you to switch between viewing Usage, Costs, or Feedback metrics.
    • The Usage metrics view will be selected and presented to the user by default.

Usage Metrics View

When the “Usage” button is selected, the following KPIs are displayed:

  • Requests Card: Displays the total number of requests made to your Assistants. Clicking this card updates the line chart to show the trend of requests over time. This is selected by default.
  • Tokens Card: Displays the total number of tokens processed by your Assistants. Clicking this card updates the line chart to show the trend of token usage over time.
  • Errors Card: Displays the total number of errors encountered by your Assistants. Clicking this card updates the line chart to show the trend of errors over time.
  • Line Chart: Displays a line chart showing the trend of the selected KPI (Requests, Tokens, or Errors) over the selected time range.

Costs Metrics View

When the “Costs” button is selected, the following KPIs are displayed:

  • Cost Card: Displays the total cost (in USD) associated with your Assistants’ LLM usage.
  • Line Chart: Displays a line chart showing the trend of cost over the selected time range.

Feedback Metrics View

When the “Feedback” button is selected, the following KPIs are displayed:

  • User Feedback Counts Card: Displays the number of positive (thumbs up) and negative (thumbs down) feedback ratings received.
  • Messages Card: Displays the total number of messages.
  • Pie Chart (when “User Feedback Counts” is selected): Displays a pie chart showing the proportion of positive versus negative feedback.
  • Pie Chart (when “Messages” is selected): Displays a pie chart showing the proportion of messages that have been rated versus those that have not been rated.

Assistant metrics (Lower Panel)

The lower panel of the Dashboard displays the same KPIs (Usage, Costs, Feedback) as the upper panel, but filtered for a specific Assistant.

  • Assistant Dropdown: Use the dropdown menu to select the Assistant you want to analyze.

The KPIs and charts in the lower panel will update to reflect the data for the selected Assistant. The upper panel always showcases aggregated data for all the assistants.