Working with Coded Apps

Coded Apps in Kosmoy Studio provide a way to integrate your existing code artifacts (like Python-based chatbots or AI applications) with the Kosmoy platform. By registering a Coded App and using the Kosmoy SDK in your codebase, you can connect your application to a Kosmoy Gateway and leverage powerful features like Guardrails, Routers, and the Insights section for monitoring and observability.

Creating a Coded App

  1. Navigate to Coded Apps: From the Kosmoy Studio home page, click on the “Apps” menu in the left-hand navigation bar, then select “Coded Apps”.

  2. Add a New Coded App: Click the ”+ ADD” button located in the upper right corner of the Coded Apps section.

  3. Select a Gateway: Choose the Gateway that your Coded App will connect to. This Gateway defines the models, routers, and guardrails that your application can access.

  4. Name and Describe the Coded App: Give your Coded App a unique name and an optional description.

  5. Click “Review”: Review the Coded App configuration.

  6. Click “Create”: Register the Coded App.

API Key Generation and Usage

Upon creating a Coded App, Kosmoy Studio automatically generates an App ID and an API key. These credentials are used by the Kosmoy SDK to authenticate your application and establish a connection to the assigned Gateway.

Modal Display: A modal will appear immediately after creation, displaying the App ID and API key. You can copy these credentials for use in your application’s code.

Important: Store your API key securely. Do not share it publicly or commit it to version control.

Regenerating the API Key:

If you need to regenerate the API key for security reasons:

  1. Navigate to Coded Apps: Go to “Apps” > “Coded Apps”.
  2. Locate the Coded App Card: Find the card for your Coded App.
  3. Click on the Card: This will take you to the Coded App details page.
  4. Find the “API Key” Panel: Locate the panel displaying the current (obfuscated) API key.
  5. Click “Regenerate API Key”: This will trigger a confirmation modal.
  6. Confirm Regeneration: The modal warns you that the old API key will be invalidated. Confirm that you want to proceed.
  7. Copy the New API Key: The modal will reappear, displaying the newly generated API key. Copy this key for use in your application.

Coded App Cards

The Coded Apps section displays each registered Coded App as a card. Each card shows:

  • Coded App Name: The name you assigned to the Coded App.
  • Description: The description you provided for the Coded App.
  • Edit Icon (Pencil): Click this icon to update the Coded App’s name, description, or assigned Gateway.
  • Delete Icon (Trash Bin): Click this icon to remove the Coded App.

Managing Coded Apps

Updating a Coded App

You can update the name, description, and the assigned Gateway of a registered Coded App.

  1. Navigate to Coded Apps: Go to “Apps” > “Coded Apps”.
  2. Locate the Coded App Card: Find the card for the Coded App you want to update.
  3. Click the Edit (Pencil) Icon: This will open the update dialog.
  4. Modify Parameters: Update the Coded App’s name, description, or select a different Gateway.
  5. Click “Save”: Save the changes.

Warning: Changing the Gateway can affect your application’s functionality. Ensure that the new Gateway provides access to the necessary models and resources. You will be presented with a warning if you try to modify a coded app.

Removing a Coded App

You can remove a registered Coded App if it’s no longer needed.

  1. Navigate to Coded Apps: Go to “Apps” > “Coded Apps”.
  2. Locate the Coded App Card: Find the card for the Coded App you want to remove.
  3. Click the Delete (Trash Bin) Icon: This will trigger a confirmation prompt.
  4. Confirm Deletion: Confirm that you want to delete the Coded App.

Warning: Deleting a Coded App is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

Connecting to a Gateway with the Kosmoy SDK

To connect your Coded App to its assigned Gateway, you’ll use the Kosmoy SDK in your Python code. The SDK provides the necessary functions for authenticating your application and interacting with the Gateway.

For detailed instructions and examples on using the Kosmoy SDK, refer to the Kosmoy SDK Documentation.

Monitoring Coded Apps

You can monitor the performance, usage, and costs associated with your Coded Apps through the Insights section of Kosmoy Studio. This provides valuable data for optimizing your applications and understanding their behavior.